Stress urinary incontinence and ectopic ureteral orifice unmasked by the renal colic after transobturator tape procedure

The uncommon cause of surgical failure of SUI treatment is unrecognized ectopic ureteral orifice (EUO) coexistent with SUI. A 44-year-old female had symptoms of SUI, and heavy urine loss, especially after third delivery. Transobturator tape procedure was performed. There was an improvement of symptoms of SUI, but wetting remained. In the meantime, she got abdominal pain (suspected abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture), so the MSCT scan was performed urgently, showing ectopic ureter on the left side draining the upper pole of the kidney. Ureterocystoneostomy was performed, remodeling the distal part of the ureter. The patient is dry without episodes of flank pain 60 months after the surgery.
Prof. dr Dragoslav Bašić, Prof. dr Ivan Ignjatović
Clinic of Urology
University Clinical Center Niš
Niš, Serbia
Posted: 02/09/2021