To mark urology nurses week we d like you to meet Diane and Laura urology nu

To mark urology nurses week, we’d like you to meet Diane and Laura, urology nurses at our Markham site who provide care to patients being treated for a variety of diseases and concerns, including urinary tract infections, kidney stones, bladder control problems, and prostate problems. .
“Our urology team includes an incredible group of nurses and doctors who provide safe, high quality surgical care, from a patient’s first visit, through to their treatment and follow-up care. Being part of this team is what makes our job so rewarding,” they share. .
#Urology #UrologyNurse #UrologyNursesWeek #UrologyNursing #UrologyNurses #UrologySurgery #UrologyTeam #UrologyRocks #UrologyWeek

Posted: 07/11/2019